All about plumbing slideshare. A plumbing fixture schedule.
All about plumbing slideshare pptx), PDF File (. We are the one-call solution to all of your gutter or drain cleaning 5. • Fittings to change a pipe's direction: For example , Elbows • Pipe fittings to connect two or more pipes: For example: Tees, Cross, Side It begins by explaining that Revit MEP is a building information modeling software used for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing design. Axes 1, 2 and 3 form 120º angles between one another. • It may be due to gravity , centrifugal acceleration or electromagnetism. Drainage coefficients * PLUMBING UNIT (Sec. PVC drain pipe, or perhaps more generally, PVC 7. A plumbing fixture schedule. What is MEP In the construction world, MEP stands for “mechanical, electrical and plumbing. The pressure of outside air drawn in from ventilation pipes helps push waste or used water down through drain pipes. ⚫ The diameters of pipes of main, sub mains and branches can be designed based on the required demand of population. Eccentric reducer • one edge parallel to connecting pipe due to 8. Hence it is very important to know few basic things about plumbing. The flow pattern through a globe valve involves changes in direction, resulting in greater resistance to PLUMBING - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Skilliapp Plumbing Services- Gutter System If you’re looking to install a new gutter system or schedule some routine drain repair, Contact Skilliapp to save time on a job that’s done right the first visit. Fittings are used in pipe and plumbing systems to connect straight pipe or tubing sections, to adapt to different sizes or shapes, to branch or re-direct the piping system and if necessary to provide a jointing method if 2 dissimilar piping materials are used in the one system. 9 In most communities the wastewater collection system is one of the most valuable and largest infrastructure assets Historically, there were two types of sewer systems: separate sanitary sewer and combined sewer The lines not parallel to axes 1, 2 and 3 are non-isometric lines. This document outlines the National Plumbing Code of the Philippines (Republic 11. 5 plumbing myths - about all of your home plumbing systems. • there are 3 common types of plastic pipes are available in market, as given below. • The roof should not have any leakage of water in roof and it should have effective drainage system. Introduction to water supply systems, sewage systems, storm systems, and LPG systems. The bricks should be laid on their 3. TRAPS Traps are an integral part of a modern sanitary system, being designed to retain a small quantity of the waste water from the discharge of fitting to which they are attached as a barrier to prevent foul air entering the Plumbing Code Chapter-1 - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. It identifies over 30 specific tools, including levels, tape measures, screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches, hammers, saws, chisels, and specialty tools for tasks like cutting and bending copper piping. Proper ventilation is an important part of a plumbing system. Use the right tool for the job. are arranged systematically and bonded together to form a homogeneous mass in such a manner that they 6. 3. Roof garden • The first and most important step involved in making terrace garden is to identify the area of terrace where you plan to build a roof garden. PART ONE Overview & Safety Objectives for the day. Plumbing systems shall be maintained in serviceable condition by Registered Master Plumbers. Ensure tools are in safe working order. Vent pipes also lead through a roof to expel harmful Pekerjaan plumbing meliputi pekerjaan instalasi air bersih dan instalasi sistem pembuangan air kotor dan limbah. 19. It discusses tools like the plumber's level, pipe wrenches, and pipe cutters. Google My Business. The equalization tank is the first collection tank in an STP. APPLICATION Public and private buildings and related structures for public use Streets and highways and public utilities Public transport terminals including those of LRT. What is a plumbing system THE PLUMBING SYSTEM IS REALLY MADE UP OF TWO SYSTEMS: • The supply system that brings in fresh water • The drain-waste-vent system that takes out used water and sewage • THE DRAIN-WASTE-VENT SYSTEM ALSO LETS AIR IN AND WASTE GASES OUT. 1. It Basic Home Plumbing • In basic home plumbing, there are two specific areas we are dealing with. Design of Drainage Channels or Ditches Estimation of Peak Flows: This can be done using the Rational formula, Cook's method, Curve Number method, Soil Conservation Service method etc. PLUMBING • the art and science of installing in buildings the pipes, fixtures and other appurtenances for bringing in the water supply and removing liquid and waterborne wastes. Curriculum -Vitae Name : MOHAMMED IMRAN KHAN Contact No : 055-1740906 (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) E-mail : i_khan210@yahoo. It defines a plumbing system as a system of pipes, drains, fittings and devices installed in a building for distribution of water and removal of wastewater. FUNCTION OF VALVES Control of the water system Start or shut down a system Regulate pressure Check backflow Control the direction of water Valves have many uses, 7. It then lists the common types of pipes used - galvanized iron pipes, cast iron pipes, unplasticized PVC pipes, and Plumbing refers to installing pipes for water distribution and sewage disposal in buildings. Attach a “do not use” tag to damaged tools and notify your foreman. Fittings for pipe and tubing are most often made from the same base material as the pipe or All About Plumbing & Septic provides plumbing & septic services in Hendersonville, Asheville, Mills River, and more. PURPOSE Provide minimum requirements and standards to make buildings, facilities and utilities for public use accessible to disabled persons. Drawings – Relevance to engineering • Graphics are one of the most effective ways of communicating one's ideas as a good recognizable picture reduces ambiguity while discussing a project. 8. House Drain – The horizontal main into which the vertical soil and waste stacks discharge. 3 – Services and Utilities PLUMBING PLAN Plumbing plans are used to show the location of the water supply, vent, and drain lines but 7. The National Census (2068 B. SEDIMENTATION • Sedimentation is the tendency for particles in suspension to settle out of the fluid in which they are entrained and come to rest against a barrier. It describes atmospheric vacuum breakers, pressure vacuum breakers, reduced pressure backflow preventers, double check All the detailed notes A Detail takes a part of a section of the building and gives you all the details and notes needed to complete that element of the building. S bend trap has the shape 23. A- Water Supply System Calculation - Introduction Water Supply Fixtures Unit( WSFU): Designate the Relative WEIGHT of different fixture units. Distribution system mains carry water from either the treatment plant to the consumer; or the source to the consumer when treatment is absent Distribution systems span almost one million miles in the Plumbing Materials & Tools - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. 13. • Sedimentation may take place in a pre-sedimentation device such as a reservoir, grit basin, debris dam, or sand trap • Take place 9. COMPONENTS Public water systems depend on distribution systems to provide an uninterrupted supply of pressurized safe drinking water to all consumers. The isometric riser diagram 3. You can also contact via E-mail at info@skilliapp. It then discusses the key components of HVAC, electrical, and plumbing systems that can be designed in Revit MEP, including air handling units, ductwork, lighting fixtures, transformers, plumbing pipes and valves. The Water Supply Fixture Units - WFSU - are used to determine the 1. MEP SAWS AND CUTTERS These are yet another set of essential plumbing tools in Sydney, and they come in handy. They are: • The Fresh Water System • Drain, Waste, Vent system (DWV) Fresh Water System • These are the pipes that Civil Engineering and Architecture Unit 2 – Lesson 2. Basic principle of drainage system • House sewer joints should be leak proof because leakage if any shall create an odour problem and leaked wastewater shall infiltrate in the ground and shall reduce bearing capacity of soil below foundation , which is not desirable. INTRODUCTION A water pipe is any pipe or tube designed to transport treated drinking water to consumers. 22 Basi c Pri nci pl es of the Pl um bi ng Code Plumbing fixtures, devices and appurtenances shall be supplied with water in sufficient volume This document summarizes different types of backflow preventers used in irrigation systems. Check Conditions of Tools and Equipment Perform basic preventive maintenance Clean-up practices on the tools and equipment must be maintained. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. • Never play or Plumbing Plans The Plumbing Plan is a plan view that shows the complete plumbing system. It is most commonly used for irrigation piping, home, and building Plumbing Systems - Download as a PDF or view online for free. 18. It involve the three basic necessities of life, such as: AIR, WATER and FOOD. ” MEP engineering is the science and art of planning, designing and managing the MEP systems of a building. 5. Out of which the male and female 5. ⚫ The pressure and discharge in each pipe can be determined very easily and accurately which makes design calculations very simple. • BETWEEN THESE TWO SYSTEMS ARE THE FIXTURES 3. Siswa 12. •SORT (Seiri)- Sorting is an action to identify and eliminate all unnecessary items from your work place and dispose them. A pipe is a tubular section or hollow cylinder, used mainly to convey substances which can flow — liquids and gases (fluids), slurries, powders and masses of small solids. This basically implies that through the course of a plumber's career, the plumber is likely to work across a wide array of circumstances. – Sanitary drain – Leader drain • Copper • Plastic • Extra heavy cast-iron – Slope at 1/8” 9. Bonnets Features • bonnet is the second principal pressure boundary of a valve. 217. Symbols Legend. If he Plumbing Plans The Plumbing Plan is a plan view that shows the complete plumbing system. Automatic Grease Removal Device (there is no name for the most popular “outdoor” Grease Interceptor) UPC 2006 and 2009 9. Plumbing is a technical thing, difficult to be understood by everybody. The PC must read all the notes and understand them. These bricks should be properly soaked in water for at least two hours before use. It also describes the basic components and purposes of plumbing systems for water Plumbing is a technical thing, difficult to be understood by everybody. Grease Interceptors 2012 IPC finally changes these to “Hydromechanical” 2. Toilet A toilet is probably the most important plumbing fixture of them all unless you love nature and enjoy spending your time in the woods! The modern toilet has a flush system that moves waste to a septic tank or a community sewerage system. The plumbing plan shows the location, size, and type of all plumbing equipment. Around half of the world's PVC production goes to making pipes for plumbing applications, and PVC plumbing is extremely common around the world for new structures and replacements of existing plumbing systems. Sullage from kitchen and bathroom is admitted into the pit. It discusses the history and practice of plumbing in the Philippines, components of plumbing systems including water supply and distribution. The most commonly used type of riser diagram for plumbing is the isometric riser diagram. 200 liters per day takes care of all other needs as well, such as watering of plants, washing of vehicles and cleaning of driveways and stairways. the mains water comes in via a rising main and directly feeds at least one cold tap at the kitchen sink with ‘potable’ water (i. 4. • It is cast or forged of the same material as the body and is 4. Pipe Fittings based on Purposes : • Depending on the purposes served, pipe fittings can be categorized as under: • Pipe fittings to extend or terminate pipe runs: For example, Couplings, Adapters, Unions , Caps and Plugs Pipe. Torpedo levels which are small (about 8 –12 inches); 2 and 4 foot levels, transits which level things over long distances and laser levels 6. Siswa dapat menyebutkan bahan-bahan untuk pekerjaan plambing. water which is fit for drinking, cooking etc) and may also feed a washing machine, a shower and an outside tap etc. Checking it periodically will This plumbing presentation slide covers the following topics: 1. 2. com. Requirement of good brick masonry – A good brick masonry should utilise bricks which are Sound, hard, well burnt and tough with uniform colour, shape and size. Product knowledge on different pipe types including PPR, HDPE, and PVC Presentation on theme: "BASIC PLUMBING Theory, Repair, & Installation. Adapun hal yang dibahas mengenai alat transportasi vertikal yaitu Elevator (lift) dan 2. (713) 516-7326 (713) 516-7326 | CALL 24 HOURS / 7 DAYS A WEEK | OVER 25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE | Home; About; What We Offer; Services. PVC PLUMBING PIPE PVC plumbing is plumbing done with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe. 5521 Old Haywood Rd, Ste 1 Mills River, NC 28759 United States. • In simple terms, it is the prerequisite to begin on a construction project and MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing) coordination is one of the most challenging tasks faced by 26. The plumbing plan should include: Waste lines and 16. The plumbing plan should include: Waste lines and vent stacks. It should be rectangular in shape 1 ½ cubic meter. Plumbing PPT Symbols - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. It defines common fixtures like water closets, urinals, sinks, bathtubs and showers. indirect water supply an indirect water supply system is the most common type found in modern houses. . The confusion is IPC can’t settle on name for grease interceptors IPC/UPC 2000 & 2003 called them Grease Traps tested to PDI-101 IPC 2006 and 2009 2. "— Presentation transcript: 11 Cutting & fitting plastic pipe PVC The document provides an overview of plumbing systems and utilities. Plumbing Safety A plumber is responsible for undertaking a wide range of 24 hr plumbing service Asuza for example repairing pipes, functioning on fittings, fixtures, and also other installations. S. It also covers different types of plastic pipes like PVC, CPVC, PE, and PPR pipes. It includes the fixtures and fixture 2. Fittings for pipe and tubing are most often made from the same base material Plumbing systems The Burj Khalifa's water system supplies an average of 946,000 L (250,000 US gal) of water per day through 100 km (62 mi) of pipes. But that doesn’t mean everything that any random plumber says is true. services provided 1-hv/lv distribution 2 small power 3-lighting 4-fire detection & alarms 5-security systems 6-earthing & lighning protection 7- telecommunication 8-building management system 2. PLUMBING • Plumbing is the system of pipes, drains, fittings, valves, and fixtures installed for the distribution of potable water for drinking, heating and washing, and waterborne waste removal. Masonry construction • Masonry construction is defined as an art of construction in which building units, such as clay, bricks, sand-lime brick, Stones, precast hollow concrete block, concrete slab, glass block, a combination of some of these building, etc. The bog (a term often used in England to describe the toilet) is one of the more complex plumbing fixtures with a complex All About Plumbing. Call 828-540-7184. Pit is dug at a strategic point in courtyard of house. Take steps to ensure that your water heater is working efficiently. So, Plumbing is important for good hygiene, preventing disease transmission, easier access to water, human waste removal, and removal of dirty water. Call now on 0497-859-257. Where a plumbing drainage system may be subject to backflow of sewage, suitable provision shall be made to prevent its overflow in the building. However, prior approval of the government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for 3. • Rain water from roofs or open courtyards should not be allowed to flow through the house sewer. Basic Parts of the valve Bonnet The cover for the opening in the valve body. Plumbing symbols are used on technical drawings to represent fixtures like faucets, valves, and pipes and denote tools for water, gas, heating, and radiating to ensure all tradespeople understand where plumbing objects will be Weight Vacuum Breakers: These gadgets include a spring-stacked check valve and a spring-stacked air gulf valve which work in coupled to avert reverse Read less Riser diagrams of plumbing systems can be shown in both orthographic and isometric views. 828-778-2425. The varieties include large diameter main pipes, which supply entire towns, smaller branch lines that supply a street or group of buildings, or small diameter pipes located within individual buildings. What is Plumbing? Plumbing – is the art and technique of installing pipes, fixtures and other apparatuses in buildings for bringing in the supply, liquids substances and/or ingredients and removing them; and such This document discusses hand tools that plumbers commonly use. The Code mainly contains administrative regulations, development control rules and general building requirements; fire safety requirements; stipulations regarding materials, structural design and construction (including safety); and building and plumbing services. Pipe Fittings Fittings are used in pipe and plumbing systems to connect straight pipe or tubing sections, to adapt to different sizes or shapes, to branch or re-direct the piping system and if necessary to provide a jointing method if 2 dissimilar piping materials are used in the one system. Siswa dapat membuat pipa saluran air dari plat seng galvanis. 3 INTRODUCTION The study entitle “Present Status of Apartment Building in world“ is undertaken as a project work in the context of completing “Apartment Design” conducted by Department of Architecture, Purwanchal Campus Dharan. e. P-TRAP Vs S- TRAPS The P Trap and S Trap and two different types of traps used in plumbing and connect to most commonly sinks but can be used for all drainage such as toilet floor drain etc. Globe Valve A Globe valves is a linear motion valve and are primarily designed to stop, start and regulate flow. Size and type of pipe to be used. • the roof on which we are designing garden should be strong enough to carry the weight of garden. All plumbing fixtures shall be installed properly spaced, to be accessible for their intended 11. It covers all the inputs used to produce goods and services, have heath stock inorder to improve the health status of individuals in terms of healthy days or quality of life. Its main function is to act as buffer: To collect the incoming raw sewage that comes at widely fluctuating rates, and pass it on to the rest of the STP at a steady (average) flow rate. Plumbing Systems - Download as a PDF or view online for free which is modern plumbing's important solution when matched to cold galvanized pipes This document provides an overview of Module 1 of the Plumbing NC I course. It connects directly to the house sewer. 22 | PLUMBING Piping Components Pipe Pipe is hollow cylinder used to conduct or transfer fluids (liquids and gases) from one place to other place. Pipes are used for various purposes such as : • In plumbing • Pipelines - transporting gas or liquid over long distances • Also sometimes as a structural member • Casing for concrete pilings used in 5. Largest size at bottom most layer and gradually smaller size as layers are laid towards 2. Tujuan Pembelajaran : Siswa dapat menjelaskan pengertian pekerjaan plambing. 1228 N Allen Road Hendersonville, NC 28792 Hydrotherapy - Download as a PDF or view online for free. o A place for everything o Everything is in place 3. "Plumbing" also refers 8. Focus required on Good Plumbing Practices implemented by Trained/ Skilled Plumbers Innovative Wastewater Technologies • Innovative water/ waste technologies generally is a term used for options such as: – Ultra 2. Plumbing Services Advantages of Dead End System ⚫ Pipes in this network can be laid easily. PVC pipe This type of pipe has a wide variety of plumbing uses from drainage pipe to water mains. • unplasticized pvc (upvc) or rigid pipes for use with cold water • plasticized pvc pipes which are plasticized with addition of rubber. By paying attention to the pipes, faucets, and other plumbing fixtures will prevent serious issues. A valve is a device that regulates, directs or controls the flow of a fluid (gases, liquids, fluidized solids, or slurries) by opening, closing, or partially obstructing various passageways. 1 Pekerjaan Mekanikal Pekerjaan Mekanikal bangunan berkaitan dengan mesin atau alat yang menunjung pekerjaan/kehidupan manusia agar lebih mudah. pdf), Text File (. Soft Water Solutions; Under Slab Tunnel Plumbing; The rest goes to bathing (30 liters) washing of clothes (15-20 liters) Washing of vessels (10-15) washing of floors (5 Liters) etc. Contact us at 1833-475-4554 or chat with us. • Never ‘make do’ with tools. Black & decker plumbing 101 25 repairs - Download as a PDF or view online for free Slide these back as well and remove the trap by pulling down on it. 67. Preface An adequate Plumbing Code is one of the most important governances in modem and healthful human existence. An additional 213 km (132 mi) of piping serves the fire emergency system, and 34 km (21 mi) supplies chilled water for the air conditioning system. Every plumbing fixture, from a toilet to a shower, needs to be connected to ventilation piping. The main difference between pipe and tube is the critical dimension 2. The sides of the cube and all planes parallel to them are isometric planes. INTRODUCTION TO ADHESIVES AND SEALANTS 01 What are Adhesives? o Adhesive, also known as glue, cement, mucilage, or paste, is any non-metallic substance applied to one or both surfaces of two separate 7. 12. Some plumbers do so to befool you and make some money out of you. The bricks should be compact, homogeneous, free from holes, cracks. Clean-up and pick All Plumbing Inc. ii Department of Education Republic of the Philippines Technology and Livelihood Education – Grade 9 Learner’s Material First Edition, 2013 ISBN: _____ Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines. txt) or view presentation slides online. They can be small line levels which hang from a string to transfer heights from one area to another. It is important for preventing disease transmission, removing dirty water and human waste, and providing easier access to water. pvc/plastic/polythene pipes • these pipes are being used increasingly these days for supply of cold water in external and internal plumbing work. •SYSTEMATIZE (Seiton)- Systematizing is an action to arrange or put every necessary item in good order so that they can be easily picked for use. The hacksaw is used to cut the pipes, rusty nuts, screws and bolts. ppt / . 20. The plumbing systems: water supply, 4. • Engineers and technical personnel associated with an engineering organization use drawings to convey graphically the ideas and plan necessary for execution All About Plumbing: your expert plumber in League City, TX. ) revealed that the total population in Nepal is 26,494,504. Siswa dapat menyebutkan alat-alat untuk pekerjaan plambing. Drain and plumbing fixture locations. com OBJECTIVE : Seeking a Challenging and Responsible Position as a “BIM REVIT MEP MODELER & DRAFTSMAN” with strong in HVAC : ( Supply Air Duct , Fresh Air Duct, Extract Air Duct, Smoke Management 3. • Scarce resources Resources that are considered scarce when society demands more resources and goods/ services than are available. 34. 13 NPC 1999) * The minimum standard quantities of plumbing fixtures that discharge waste into a * plumbing installation include; * 1 water meter * 1 water closet * 1 lavatory * 1 shower head and drain for a bathtub or shower stall * 1 kitchen sink * 1 laundry tray * 3 floor drains * 4 faucets/ hose Bibb =13 Total 48. Soakage pit Ideal for sullage disposal in rural area. During 10. Equalization Tank The sewage from the bar screen chamber and oil, grease and grit trap comes to the equalization tank. Click here to learn about our exceptional work. Keep pipe cutters and all cutting tools sharp. 3 2 1 P r i n c i p l e s All premises intended for human use or habitation shall be provided with a supply of pure and wholesome water, neither connected to unsafe water supply nor subject to backflow or back- siphonage. The National Building Code was first published in 1970 at the instance of Planning Commission The document provides information about plumbing systems in buildings. Concentric reducer • cone shaped with gradual decreasing around the pipe but in this case accumulation of air may possible and it results in cavitation. To run plumbing tubes and pipes, a AAPD | Your Local Emergency Plumber Specialising In BLOCKED DRAINS, BURST PIPES, HOT WATER and GAS. The module covers preparing plumbing layouts and introduces important plumbing tools. MEP SERVICES • MEP or Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing is an important part of building project required for creating a safe and comfortable environment inside the building. Buoyancy: it is the upward thrust on the body by the water. Layout Tools Level – A tool used to determine if something is horizontal (level) or vertical (plumb) There are a variety of sizes of these. Health and safety rules • Always make sure that you use the correct personal protective equipment for the tool and the job that you are carrying out. REMOVING AND REPLACING SINK TRAP COMPONENTS P-trap Slip nuts Slip nut Compression washer p22 5th Black 6 6 Job no:70499CTP Title : CPI-HI0503_Plumbing 101 Client : Pro-vision Scn : #175 33. • According to Archimede’s principle: when the body is entirely or partially immersed in the water at rest, it experiences an upward thrust equal to the weight of the fluid that displaces. Siswa dapat menyebutkan macam-macam pekerjaan plambing. . It begins with an agenda and then covers topics such as different types of drill rigs used for various water depths, rig systems for hoisting, 11. The projection is isometric (equal measures) because the height of axis 1, the length of axis 2 and the width of axis 3 are all proportionally reduced. When planning plumbing, considerations include pipe layout, water supply, external pipe placement parallel to buildings, pipe security, storage tanks, and ensuring proper pipe gradient for water flow. It is the linear motion valve used to stop/start and regulate fluid flow The globe valve disk can be removed entirely from the flow path During opening and closing of the globe valve, disc moves perpendicular to the seat This movement creates annular space between disk and seat ring that gradually close as the valve closed This characteristic provides the globe This document provides an overview of well design and construction. Using the wrong tool for the job can be dangerous. 22 Basic Principles of the Plumbing Code Plumbing fixtures, devices and appurtenances shall be supplied with water in sufficient volume and 8. Filled from bottom to top with large stones, brick and gravel. bacvpxysgbfcmwvauvcgtgigcoviocucdztmfmositkboccpalicixkpxxerkwihscctukctemqk