Mean aerodynamic chord calculator.
The wing of an airplane has a mean aerodynamic chord of 2.
Mean aerodynamic chord calculator (Mean Aerodynamic Chord, Neutral Point, Center of Gravity, and Weight & Balance) MAC And Neutral Point If no The M. Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) = MAC distance from root chord (d) = Wing Aerodynamic Center aft of root LE = In this video Tim Morris from Cincinnati State Community College discusses the use of Mean Aerodynamic Chord for Weight and Balance Calculations for Aircraft The application for the calculation of the mean aerodynamic chord of an arbitrary wing planform was developed under the Windows 7 Professional operating system; however, because the wxWidgets 3. There is a difference in stretch versions then. Use this calculator to determine percent of MAC for a given CG . In addition to calculating mean aerodynamic chord, the program calculates, - y-MAC position - x-MAC position - A. Input your root chord; Input your tip chord; Input the sweep distance (see the picture below) Input the wing half span (1/2 the wingspan) Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) = MAC Distance from Root (d) = Balance Point @ Root Chord (CG) = *Note: A 25% of MAC is generally accepted as a good starting point for the CG of a Center of Gravity is expressed in Percent Mean Aerodynamic Chord in most large aircraft. ) (d) The mean aerodynamic chord ialocated laterally, fore and aft, and vertically by letting its quartw-chord point coincide with the geonietrical average quarter-chord point for the semispan. For a swept wing, then, the leading edge of the mac lies aft of the leading edge of the root chord of the wing. Calculate the potential RC 비행기(혹은 글라이더)를 자작을 할 때 혹은 만들어진 기체의 무게 중심을 찾아야 할 때 평균익현(MAC: Mean Aerodynamic Chord)라고 하는 것이 나옵니다. This average chord length represents the wing geometry over its entire span, and it is crucial for various important calculations and design considerations. e. Wing Loading: Wing loading is the aircraft's weight divided by the wing area. Typically, in large aircraft, the acceptable Weight and Balance range is expressed as a percentage of MAC (%MAC). Large aircraft weight and balance calculation actual local chord would be used. The aerodynamic center, AC lies on the portant to compare and check the calculation results with the values from the aircraft statistics. force is applied at a location of 25% of the Mean Aerodynamic Cord (MAC), the magnitude of the aerodynamic moment The Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) is the average distance from the leading edge to the trailing edge of the wing. This number in percent differs from the Aircraft Datum based number To complete the calculations, return to the original formula and enter the appropriate numbers. It is essential in Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) = MAC Distance from Root (d) = Balance Point @ Root Chord (CG) = Note: A 25% of MAC is generally accepted as a good starting point for the CG of a conventional tailed aircraft. A mean chord provides a standardized length scale that can be applied across different wing geometries, shapes, and sizes. The computation of the mac depends on the shape Canard Center of Gravity Calculator Aerodynamic Center (AC), Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC), Center of Gravity (CG), Neutral Point (NP) and Wing Area Canard Root Chord (A): 6 Canard Tip Chord (B): 5 (Mean Aerodynamic Chord). LCM of three numbers. 25% - 30% MAC is generally accepted as a good starting point for the CG of a conventional tailed aircraft. The pressure distribution over the entire wing can be reduced to a single lift force on and a moment around the aerodynamic center of the MAC. Adjusting CG within limits Using the calculator: To determine your CG you need to first find your MAC (Mean Aerodynamic Chord). If the leading edge and trailing edge are parallel, the chord of the wing is constant along the wing’s length. If your wing has no taper and no sweep (rectangle) the MAC is simply your chord. 11) where 0 ≤ n ≤ 1 is the chord fraction (e. Mean Aerodynamic Chord (m): Angle of Attack (deg): Lift Coefficient (-): Drag Coefficient (-): Solve. For most wings this is very nearly equal to the simple-average chord c. , of the wing 5. It is not the fore/aft CG C. 6 (larger or farther from the The wingDesigner1 of eCalc. For a wing to be stable in pitch, its CG must be forward of the Aerodynamic Center AC by a safety factor called Static Margin, which is a percentage of the MAC (Mean The wing Designer 1 of eCalc. Description Several methods permit to obtain the position and size of the MAC. 75 m, and it is in cruise flight at a free-stream Mach number of 0. where: MAC = mean aerodynamic chord; The Mean Aerodynamic Chord is not the average chord. The thing that matters is the location of the aerodynamic center (of a wing or a wing/tail combination). For further instructions see below measured relative to the leading edge of the wing’s Mean Aerodynamic Chord, or MAC, which is the root-mean-square average chord. Then the camberline is defined as the line through the mean thickness of the airfoil. The CG can be measured from any point along the span chord planform. The Mean Aerodynamic Chord is defined as the average chord length of a wing, weighted by the local lift distribution. Input your root chord; Input your tip chord; Input the sweep distance (see the picture below) Input the wing half span (1/2 the wingspan) Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) = MAC Distance from Root (d) = Balance Point @ Root Chord (CG) = *Note: A 25% of MAC is generally accepted as a good starting point for the CG of a Mean Aerodynamic Chord, Mean Aerodynamic Centec and C, acw C. For wings one can speak of focal axis, i. Thus empty weight centre of gravity may be expressed as a percentage of Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) and is often referred to as the "basic index". If you need to know the % of the Mean Calculates Plane's Center of Gravity (CG), the Aerodynamic Center (AC), Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC), Neutral Point (NP), Wing Loading, Wing Area and Stall Speed Finding the Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) Many kits and plans indicate that the Center of Gravity (CG) should be located at a certain point of the Mean Aerodynamic Chord. is aft of the wing aerodynamic center. ). If equipment is added to or removed from the aircraft after the weighing Calculation Example: The moment and mean aerodynamic chord (MAC) are important parameters in glider weight and balance. For a rectangular wing of constant Aeroflot section dimensions MAC is just the chord As shown in the picture above, the sate range is 3 meters length. = (rc x For control line airplanes the mean aerodynamic chord calculation should be tweaked to account for the outside wing going faster, particularly if you are calculating its spanwise position. As specified by the manufacturer, safe range for each type of aircraft is different and expressed as a% of the mean aerodynamic chord [MAC]. The root chord at the aircraft’s centerline is 1 m, and the wing tapers linearly from the root to the tip with a tip chord of 0. Calculation of Mean Chords. It has been found both experimentally and theoretically that, if the aerodynamic force is applied at a location of 25% of Definition. For a wing to be stable in pitch, its CG must be forward of the Aerodynamic Center AC by a safety factor called Static Margin, which is a percentage of the MAC (Mean Aerodynamic Chord). Enter Root Cord (A): Enter Tip Cord (B): Enter Sweep Distance (S for aerodynamic effects but to simplify geometry. For an aircraft to be stable in pitch, its CG must be forward of the Neutral Point NP by a safety factor called the Static Margin, which is a percentage of the MAC (Mean Aerodynamic Chord). The equation is balanced. This figure is usually given in percentage, but is sometimes a measurement. The longitudinal position of the MAC is necessary to determine the lever arm between the tail surfaces and the wing configuration for sizing the tail How to use the calculator . The MAC calculation requires rather complicated mathematics, so a simpler method called 'Geometric Mean Chord' GMC or 'Standard Mean Chord' SMC may be used as shown on the drawings below. The mac represents the location of the root chord of a rectangular wing that has the same aerodynamic influence on the aircraft as the actual wing. Low Static Margin gives less static stability but 1'600'799 simulated Center of Gravitiy: The cg Calc of eCalc. The MAC has been invented to convert arbitrary wing planforms into much easier to calculate rectangular wings. The Mean Aerodynamic Chord is hard to calculate because factors such as twist, section changes, wing protuberances, varying reynolds numbers across the span, etc. The series teaches you how to do the math to convert angles to measurements, calculate areas, etc. Moreover, the CodeLite 6. Show transcribed image text Here’s the best way to solve it. Learn about wha Mean Aerodynamic Chord for given Tail Pitching Moment Coefficient is a measure of the average distance from the root of the tail to the centroid of the tail, calculated based on the pitching moment coefficient of the tail, freestream density, velocity, reference area, and tail pitching moment coefficient, which is essential in understanding the stability and control of an aircraft Wing Mean Aerodynamic Chord for given Horizontal Tail Volume Ratio is a measure of the average distance from the root to the tip of a wing, calculated in relation to the horizontal tail's volume ratio, area, and moment arm, providing a vital parameter for aircraft design and stability analysis and is represented as c ma = 𝒍 t *S t /(S*V H) or Mean Aerodynamic Chord = The M. Motor & Prop Combo: It gets you in the ball-park for electric power systems. Calculator: This form will calculate the position of a Center of Gravity (CG) on a model airplane wing as measured from the leading edge of the Root Chord. A. For all others, this calculator is very useful. Physics Chemistry Engineering Financial More >> How to use the calculator . The chord length (c) is the length of the chordline and the common lengthscale for airfoils. 35 (smaller or closer to the wing, thus less effective) to 0. The mean aerodynamic chord can be found by integrating the individual section chords across the span. 109 kg / m 3 e = 0. For tapered wings it is slightly longer. Calculated Results . Calculation of zero angle lift coefficient or zero lift angle can be done by crudely assuming that the zero lift angle for the aircraft A sailplane wing has a span of 15 m. How to use the calculator . 5 m. The mean aerodynamic chord is a measurement used to simplify the complex shape of an aircraft wing into a single average chord length. For this wing, calculate (a) The wing area, (b) The aspect ratio, and (c) The The sweep angle of any constant-chord fraction line can be related to that of the leading-edge sweep angle by ARtanΛn = ARtanΛ0 −4n 1−λ 1+λ (2. CALCULATOR M. a pitch axis passing through the aerodynamic center and such that the pitching coefficient This is confirmed by the next plot for all angles of attack $\alpha_{0L,\mathrm{W}} \le \alpha_\mathrm{W} \le \alpha Location of Leading Edge of Mean Aerodynamic Chord With Respect to Wing Apex (Leading Edge of Root Chord), (7) Sweep of Any Fraction (%) Chord Line In some of the estimation procedures to follow, the sweep angle of various chord lines are required. Neutral Point (NP), Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC), Wing Area & Stall Speed. Wing span: Root chord: Tip chord: Sweep: as . (For supersonic airfoils, the aerodynamic center is nearer the 1/2 chord location. g. Horizontal Tail Volume Ratio is a dimensionless parameter that characterizes the size and shape of an aircraft's horizontal tail surface, it is a crucial factor in determining the stability and control of an aircraft during flight, this ratio is calculated by dividing the product of the horizontal tail moment arm and area by the reference area and mean aerodynamic chord and is represented as V This video helps you learn how to calculate large aircraft weight and balance numbers in terms of percent MAC (Mean Aerodynamic Chord). 2. MAC] is a program that is used to calculate the mean aerodynamic chord of a multi-panel aircraft wing. The MAC is most often used in the aerodynamic and stability analysis. The maximum landing weight (MLW) is another important parameter, as it determines the maximum weight at which the aircraft can safely land. If you need to know the % of the Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) for a given Enter the variables at left using the same units for all entries. MAC/STAB Calculator is an application for the calculation of the Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) of an arbitrary wing planform and for the STABility estimation (in conceptual design) of a wing/tail aircraft configuration. Aerodynamic loads generally include a lift, drag, and pitching moment. Finally, the location of any chord-fraction point on the mean aerodynamic chord Calculating Mean Aerodynamic Chord. On larger airplanes, the center of gravity and its range are typically identified in relation to the width of the wing. Even the length of the MAC is fairly dubious. Chords on a swept wing. Static Margin should be between 1% and 10% for a good stability. 11) A rectangular wing is based upon an airfoil with the following characteristics: 2D Data: 2D Data : 3D Data : a 0 = 0. Description. Some basic terms related to Aircraft - Part 8 - Mean Aerodynamic Chord For a finite wing, is usually defined as the standard mean chord (SMC) or mean aerodynamic chord (MAC). 9. Through these characteristics, airfoils can be generalized. Input your root chord; Input your tip chord; Input the sweep distance (see the picture below) Input the wing half span (1/2 the wingspan) Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) = MAC Distance from Root (d) = Balance Point @ Root Chord (CG) = *Note: A 25% of MAC is generally accepted as a good starting point for the CG of a Wing top view showing the mean aerodynamic chord $\bar{c}$ and the wing aerodynamic center. compound, etc. I hope this is helpful. 82 at 30,000 ft. Mean Aerodynamic Chord Calculator Introduction With the mean aerodynamic chord (MAC), it is possible de determine the center of gravity (COG) position in respect to a desired static margin. It quantifies the tail's aerodynamic effectiveness and is used to calculate NP. ch not only calculates and evaluates the center of gravity (CG), neutral point (NP) and mean aerodynamic chord (MAC) but also visualizes your design of conventional aircraft, flying wing, delta or canard. By doing all calculations on the correctly sized rectangular version, the more complicated calculations Aerodynamic Control Surface Calculations 20 Oct 2024 Tags: Mechanical Engineering Aircraft Performance Flight Dynamics Stall, roll, and pitch control calculation. LEMAC is the Leading Edge of the MAC. Once you have calculated the root chord, you can use this value to calculate the tip chord length and the mean aerodynamic chord, and use these values to design the rest of the wing structure. - vogeltanz/MACSTAB-Calculator This Aircraft Calculator is used to calculate the Center of gravity and balance of your aircraft. etc, factor into the calculation. ) we have to find a mean aerodynamic center (mac) which is the average for the whole wing. Mean Aerodynamic Chord is the average chord length of a tapered, swept wing. Ubuntu). ch not only calculates and evaluates the center of gravity (CG), neutral point (NP) and mean aerodynamic chord (MAC) but also visualizes your design of conventional Airfield Models - How to Find or Calculate the Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) of a Wing Note: The lines cross at the spanwise location of the MAC. The wing of an airplane has a mean aerodynamic chord of 2. The safe range is within station 31 and station 34 (31 Enter the variables at left using the same units for all entries. First, we calculate the mean aerodynamic chord length of a tapered wing, which is independent from the sweep angle: with the root chord lr, the tip chord lt and the taper ratio . (2004/04/25) 초짜의 한마디 to a positive (nose-up) pitching moment for positive lift when the c. The MAC of each chord is computed as separated trapezoidal wing and then, the final MAC is calculated. The following procedure can be used for a simple, tapered and, swept wing. Mean Aerodynamic Chord: ~All measurements are including flaps~ rc = Root Chord, t = Taper Ratio = (Tip Chord ÷ Root Chord) M. The formula for calculating the MAC is: MAC = (2/Sp) \* ∫(c \* y) dy. • Assume that wing incidence is i w so that, if α w = α F RL + i w, then α F RL = α w − i w – With x k measured from the leading edge, the moment is: M (Mean Aerodynamic Chord, Neutral Point, Center of Gravity, and Weight & Balance) MAC And Neutral Point computed from the "MAC and NP" calculator above (shown below in yellow). Assume ISA standard conditions. 1 Basic Definitions In the normal flight range, the resultant aerodynamic forces acting on any lifting sur- However, in order to calculate X, the fore-and-aft position of each local aerodynamic center must be known first. Other derived geometric parameters relevant to wings are the standard mean chord (SMC) and the aerodynamic mean chord (AMC), also called the mean aerodynamic chord (MAC). It plays a crucial role in wing analysis, as it determines the wing's aerodynamic center, the point where lift acts. If you would like to know the position of the Center of Gravity (CG) as measured from the leading edge of the Root Cord, you should use the form on The Center of Gravity Page. This MAC CALCULATOR CG CALCULATOR Enter Root Chord (A): Enter Tip Chord (B): Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) = MAC Distance from Root (d) = Sweep Distance @ MAC (C) = Enter Leading Edge Sweep (S): C. Typical values range from 0. 003 α = 6 ∘ V ∞ = 22 m / sec ρ ∞ = 1. Other terms are as for SMC. If all the local aerodynamic centers are assumed to lie on The Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) is the average chord length of an aircraft's wing, calculated by averaging chords at different spanwise locations. Calculations of CG must take this into account (often part of this is calculated in advance by the manufacturer and incorporated into CG limits). ) we have to find the Mean Aerodynamic Chord - MAC, which is the average for the whole wing. G. Find the mean aerodynamic chord-based Reynolds number, R e M. (triangular, trapezoidal, compound, etc. The mean aerodynamic chord is only identical to the mean chord for rectangular wings. CALCULATOR This form will calculate the percent of the Mean Aerodynamic Chord (%M. mean aerodynamic chord (MAC) is the average chord length of the wing, calculated as the ratio of the wing area to the wing span. The mean aerodynamic chord (MAC) is a critical parameter in aircraft design, playing a significant role in the calculation of various aerodynamic characteristics. The MAC is a two-dimensional representation of the whole wing. - MACSTAB-Calculator/README. Aerodynamics lecture focusing on 'Mean Aerodynamic Chord' and its calculation with respect to Center-of-Lift (COL), and Center-of-Gravity (CG). 1 MAC/STAB Calculator is an application for the calculation of the Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) of an arbitrary wing planform and for the STABility estimation (in conceptual design) of a wing/tail aircraft configuration. Wing Loading, WCL The WCL of a model should ideally be the same as that of it's full-size equivalent if scale flight performance is to be achieved. ) This paper presents an application for the calculation of the mean aerodynamic chord (MAC) of an arbitrary wing planform. This figure Helps you locate your Flying Wing's Center of Gravity (CG), as well as calculates the Aerodynamic Center (AC), Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC), Neutral Point (NP), Wing Area, Wing loading and Stall Speed. Tail Moment Arm for given Tail Moment Coefficient is a measure that calculates the distance from the aircraft's center of gravity to the aerodynamic center, considering the tail's pitching moment coefficient, reference area, mean aerodynamic chord, efficiency, and lift coefficient, this calculation is essential in aircraft design to determine the tail's contribution to the overall stability Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) Calculator [Cal. For further instructions see below Flying wing CG calculator. Bump not included in mean aerodynamic chord and related calculations x y C‐17 Aerodynamic Analysis Using AOE 4124 Software Suite 5/8/09 Aarons, Riopelle, Tanious 15 Enter the variables at left using the same units for all entries. , 0 for the leading edge, 1/4 for the quarter-chord line, etc. Mean Aerodynamic Chord for Propeller-Driven Airplane Calculator. The SMC is defined as (11) which, like the wing area, may need to be obtained by spanwise integration. For example a swept wing where the outer 1/3 is washed out with a low lift curve slope will shift the Mean Aerodynamic Chord forward, since the inner Using the aerodynamic center as the location where the aerodynamic force is applied eliminates the problem of the movement of the center of pressure with angle of attack in aerodynamic analysis. At the mean aerodynamic chord, the center of pressure has the same aerodynamic force, position, and area as it does on the rest of the wing. The mean aerodynamic chord (MAC) is a key parameter used in these calculations, and it represents the average chord length of the aircraft’s wing. 1Also, the origin of the x-axis is taken, by convention, to be at the leading edge of the mean aerodynamic chord of the wing, and distances are normalized by the length of the wing mean aerodynamic chord. md at master The Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) is the average distance from the leading edge to the trailing edge of the wing. In simple form it describe as the average distance from the leading edge to the trailing edge of the wing. Tables with wing parameters are, The Mean Aerodynamic Chord is a chord length, calculated from the wing dimensions, that is useful in determine an airplane's pitch stability. This tool helps you calculate your plane's Wing Loading, Wing Area & Stall Speed. Mean aerodynamic chord (MAC) is defined as: [6] = (), where y is the coordinate along the wing span and c is the chord at the coordinate y. If the leading edge and the trailing edge of a wing are parallel, the chord is equal at all points along the entire length of the wing. Static Margin should be between 5% and 15% for a good stability. . The MAC is related to the wing area and aspect ratio, affecting lift generation efficiency. 1'593'595 simulated Center of Gravitiy: The cg Calc of eCalc. The mean aerodynamic chord (MAC) is usually used to express the travel of the aircraft’s center of gravity (CG) in terms of % MAC. It is defined as the average distance from the leading edge to the trailing edge of an airfoil, weighted by the chord length at each point. CG position: 15% - for beginners/testing new planes 20% - allround 25% - for experts Other: % Options: Show MAC lines: Wing area: MAC distance: MAC length: CG distance: Image scale: pixels/unit: Definition and Calculation. 이 평균익형의 용도와 구하는 방법에 대하여 알아 보았습니다. The mean aerodynamic chord cMAC is the chord of an equivalent untwisted, unswept rectangular wing that achieves the same lift and the same pitching moment as this wing. The Finding the Mean Aerodynamic Chord; Calculating Engine Offset; Calculating Speed and Propeller Efficiency; Please note that the above articles do not describe how to choose the correct parameters for your model aircraft design. On some aircraft, the CG is expressed as a percentage of the length of the mean aerodynamic chord (MAC) or “percent MAC. ch visualizes your single panel wing design and evaluates the center of gravity (CG). C. This form will calculate the position of a Center of Gravity (CG) on a model airplane wing as measured from the leading edge of the Root Chord. ” [Figure 15] In order to make such a calculation, the position of the leading edge of the MAC Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) of a Wing Calculator with graphics showing the measurements and calculations needed to find the MAC. Enter the variables at left using the same units for all entries. Visit my website at w The reference mac is located on the centre line of the aircraft by projecting c ¯ ¯ from its spanwise location as shown in Fig. The distance between the leading and trailing edge of the wing, measured parallel to the normal airflow over the wing, is known as the chord. We can define the nth fraction chord location, e. 100 (1 / ∘) α L = 0 = − 2 ∘ C d, 0 = 0. The moment is used to determine the stability of the glider, while the MAC is used to calculate the lift and drag forces. we can (theoretically) determine the pressure variation around the airfoil, and calculate the aerodynamic force and the center of pressure. The determination of this chord is necessary and complex to obtain. Aerodynamic Center. Approximate complex wing design with 5 trapezoidal wing panels. Standard airfoil characteristics. n = 1/4 for the quarter chord location. Typically, in large aircraft, the (Mean Aerodynamic Chord, Neutral Point, Center of Gravity, and Weight & Balance) The cg Calc of eCalc. Thus, for example, we And when referring to Mean Aerodynamic chord, the actual 15-30 % envelope is very small in relation to the overall size of the wing. Mean Aerodynamic Chord . 2. Assuming that the wing has dihedral, there are three coordinates required to locate the mean aerodynamic chord. Wing mean chord • Take reference point for the wing to be the aerodynamic center (roughly the 1/4 chord point)1 • Consider wing contribution to the pitching moment about the c. The ℓh and ℓv tail moment arms are the distances between the Center of Gravity (CG) and the average quarter-chord locations of the Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) The width of the wing, or straight-line distance from the leading edge to the trailing edge, on an airplane is known as the chord. We can also calculate the spanwise location of the mean chord , using the span b,. C) Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) %MAC (Percent Mean Aerodynamic Chord) is a mathematical calculation that shows where the center of gravity is over the wing. Our civilian reference datum is right at the reference screw just forward of the forward nose gear door, about 70 inches forward of the nose landing gear strut. The general formula to calulate MGC of a wing is given for a trapezoid in many books but there isn't an example showing how to calculate it for a wing shaped like the one below. 83 b = 8 m S w = 6 m 2 Calculate 2. 1. Calculate the Reynolds number for these conditions. aerodynamic center Question: 1- Calculate the mean aerodynamic chord for a Zimmerman (ratio: 1/4&3/4 ) wing with a wingspan of b and root chord of cr. I tried to solve individually for section 1 and section 2 and take the mean between those values but couldnt get the solution. 2 library [8] was used for the implementation, the application may also run on Linux platform (e. Finding the Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) Center of Gravity (CG) should be located at a certain point of the Mean Aerodynamic Chord. The calculation uses a method where the MAC is defined by an array of chords. The calculation of the MAC involves integrating the chord length of the wing along its span, weighted by the distance from the root of the wing. It is calculated by integrating the chord length along the span of the wing, taking into account the The spanwise location of the MAC is a meaningless thing. 0. Calculator The form shown below will calculate the percentage of the Mean Aerodynamic Cord (%MAC) of a model airplane wing for a given position of the CG. vmxjbwawigpiaunymlvwbxdyeotuokkcsevecctqkujrodqgcnrhqqiuqjhsfbxcsihpxpom