R3 zoning california Zoning laws play a crucial role in determining how properties can be used and Chapter 17. General Plan; Climate Action Plan; Coast Highway Vision & Strategic Plan; Local Coastal Program; Local Zoning Map. GENERAL PLAN AND SPECIFIC PLANS: Chapter 17. 08. 32. Understanding R3 Zoning in California: A Comprehensive Guide. This General Residential - R1 R2 R3 R4 R5; Business Zones - B1 B2 B3 B4 B6; Industrial Zones - IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4; Special Purpose - SP1 SP2 SP3; Recreation Zones - RE1 RE2; General Residential Zoning - R1 R2 R3 R4 R5. 16 - R-3 MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE* >> Chapter 21. The R3 zoning district is intended for multiple-family housing, including apartments, condominium development, rowhouse development, townhouse development, small-lot single-family development and similar and related The PUD Overlay provides modified development regulations and design standards for the underlying R-3 zoning district. Chimneys may only exceed the maximum height limit of each residential district to the extent required by the California Building Code. Neighborhood commercial %PDF-1. Zoning Map (24"x36") Effective January 17, 2025; Zoning Map (11"x17") Effective January 17, 2025; Zoning Ordinance of the Municipal Code. 411 West Ocean Blvd. Also see Section 19. for each story over 3rd; 20 ft. ) modified (This ordinance was created from a related meeting. Any additional maps (e. 772 § 17. It determines how a particular piece of land or property can be used and developed within a Carlsbad, California, Code of Ordinances >> Title 21 - ZONING* >> Chapter 21. 32 Residential Zones (R-1, R-2, R-3, and R-4) Sections 17. Permitted uses. The R3 zoning refers to a specific category of land use regulation in California. In 2014 the City adopted a new hybrid Zoning Code. Skip to Main Content. ) For any lot designated as Public, Quasi-Public, Public/Quasi-Public Use, Other Public, or Open Space on the land The R3 Zoning District Update can better address neighborhood conditions, enable more diverse housing including stacked flats, and create more predictable outcomes. Services Zoning in Los Angeles evolved over the past 100 plus years, incorporating a series of societal goals and trends that may or may not make sense in 2016. Planning Permits & Entitlements. For exact requirements and additional information on zoning, please see the Gardena Municipal Code, Title 18. max for resid. Development review shall be required for the following uses: 1. In order to more adequately regulate and restrict the height and floor area of buildings and structures, each lot shall include a height district designation, except for lots in the HI Hybrid Industrial Live/Work Zone, where the height and floor area of buildings and structures shall be regulated by Section 12. uses or abutting A or R zone same as R3 zone for residential uses; otherwise none C1. Citywide Master Fee Schedule (PDF) Zoning Maps. Merced, CA 95340 Phone: (209) 385-7686. The R-1 zoning district is intended to provide for areas appropriate for a range of detached single-family residential dwelling units, each located on a single legal lot, and does not include condominiums or cooperative housing. , multi-plex units, apartment-style condominiums, and apartments) with ample open space Frequent Bus Stop Areas. R3 zoning offers more flexibility and development potential than R1 or R2 zoning, making it an attractive option for developers and property owners who want to build multi-family housing in Los Angeles. lacounty. All that will be needed is the address of the property that you are researching. This comprehensive guide aims to provide readers with a clear California Governor Gavin Newsom is reportedly collaborating with developers to change zoning designations in Pacific Palisades from R1, which allows single-family homes, to R3, enabling the construction of apartment complexes. 781. CA 90250 (310) 349-2900. Hours Monday – Friday 8 a. Leadership; Strategic Plan; RPC History Categorization of properties by use code is not mandated by California law. DMV Website. This overlay district shall only be applied to the zoning map in conjunction with the adoption of an urban plan for the designated area. ) For any lot designated as Public, Quasi-Public, Public/Quasi-Public Use, Other Public, or Open Space on the land use map of the applicable community or district plan; any lot shown on the map as having existing lakes, waterways, reservoirs, debris basins, or similar facilities; any lot shown on the map as California Laws. STATUTORY REFERENCES FOR CALIFORNIA COUNTIES Development Review is focused on reviewing development plans for conformance with land use policies and standards, and is responsible for processing development applications, conducting environmental review, and responding to inquiries on zoning and land use. Budget. to R3, enabling the construction of apartment complexes. R3 zoning is an important concept to understand if you are considering any real estate development or investment in California. In an R3 zone, development review by the city administrator or designee shall be required to ensure compliance with JCMC 17. 140 regarding R3 standards. 010 Purpose and Intent 17. 06. (Ord. 12. 030. This zoning district is characterized by a wide variety of lot sizes and is designed to promote the development of multiple-family dwellings (e. Here are some general instructions for using the mapping tool: This occupancy group may include facilities licensed by a governmental agency for a residentially based 24-hour care facility providing accommodations for six or fewer clients of any age. San Gabriel General Plan General Plan 2004: Ingredients for Success General Plan Land Use Map 2013-2021 Housing Element Update 2021-2029 Housing Element Update Why R3 Zoning is Appealing. HIGH-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R-3) DISTRICT § 19. 050 A (Lot Area). R-3 Zones: Collapse Title 17 - ZONING Title 17 - ZONING (This content was amended in this version of the code. 84. g. The ordinance listed below is the most current version. Disclaimer: The City Clerk's Office has the official version of the San Luis Obispo Municipal Code. , Sunnyvale, CA 94086 The number of horses allowed on a property is dictated by the properties zoning. Table 1 – General Development Standards . Merced County Offers an interactive map viewer for determining zoning designations of specific property. City Government ; Departments ; Lake Elsinore, CA 92530. Sierra Sands Unified School District /QuickLinks. Restriction. + 1 ft. The San Luis Obispo Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 1742, passed October 1, 2024. Along with this change, also the minimum lot frontage is now 20 feet for ALL zoning districts. Please see the sections below: R-R, A-1, A-2 and W-1 Zones: R-1A, R-2, R-2A and R-3 Zones: The noncommercial keeping of horses on lots not less than 20,000 square feet in area and 100 feet in width, provided they are kept not less than 100 feet from any street The following links will provide you access to the city's municipal code and zoning ordinance. 17. Contact Us. The zoning map posted on this web site is not an official map. R-R RURAL RESIDENTIAL ZONE: R-3 GENERAL RESIDENTIAL ZONE: Chapter 17. 853 § 1, 1989; Ord. A detailed User Guide is located on the tool bar with instructions for navigating the Viewer such as how to apply customizable map layers to view specific parcel information. COUNTY LAND USE* Chapter 17. R-3, R-4, Commercial, or Industrial: 0009: Same as 0001 except with Miscellaneous Improvements: 0010: R-1 Zone one acre or less: 0017: Land with a T Zoning What is the zoning to my property? GIS Toolbox This function will allow you to find information about a property, such as the APN number, the zoning, the existing land use, General Plan Designation, and whether the property is in the city or county. § 19. All properties within the city are placed in the zones as indicated on the map. 6 %âãÏÓ 7 0 obj > endobj 29 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[7 72]/Info 6 0 R/Length 121/Prev 1349860/Root 8 0 R/Size 79/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream R-3 High Density Residential Zone. Knowledge of local Zoning Codes In California To Know About - Millman Land Ever since their expansion into Los Angeles, ADUs are allowed on properties zoned R-A, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, A-1 or A-2 (as well as any other zone which allows single-family residences by right). General Plan. D CSP D CSP D CSP DCCSP PCR RHASP RHASP RHASP Zoning RA - Residential Agriculture Parking Overlay Tustin City Limits Boundaries and Overlays Cultural Resource District E4 - Residential Estate SP 11 - Pacific Center Long Beach, CA 90802. About Us. Code 1987 § 17. M: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM : T: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM The Planning and Zoning phone line is open Monday through Thursday during regular business hours and closes daily for lunch from Noon to 1:00 p. R The purpose of this information bulletin is to explain permitting requirements for residential projects (single- and multi-dwelling unit buildings). The R-BI Zoning District is intended to provide for a maximum of two Except for those permitted principal uses and special exceptions listed hereunder, all agricultural pursuits, including the processing, packaging, storage and sale of agriculture products which are raised on the premises; provided however, that the total land area devoted to agricultural uses, including improved pasture, does not exceed 20 percent of the total lot area zoned RC and R-3-4000 Multi-Family Residential Multiple Family Dwelling (Minimum Lot Area per Parent Parcel - 1 acre) 4,000 80 150 25 10 - 20 or addition shall conform to the current standards and requirements of the zoning in existence immediately prior to November 13, 1979. Home. 81-acre project site into nine (9) parcels. 06*, and except for lots in the R1V, R1F, R1R One-Family Variation Zoning Ordinance Summary. As of 2020, ADUs have become permitted on multi-family zoned lots as well. 070, 1986. 7/1/00. Side Yards – For a main building not more than two stores in height, there shall be a side yard on each side of said building of not less than five feet, except that where the lot is less than 50 feet in width, the side yard may be reduced to 10% of the width of the lot Coordinated between the Community Development, Public Works Department, and Community Services Department, this guide is a resource for property owners and residents regarding development regulations for single-family homes in the residential zoning districts (without Home Owners Associations). There are many more designations and The R3 zoning district provides a medium high density residential environment for condominiums and apartments. 020 Schedule of uses. Growth Management. %PDF-1. Zoning Map. R-3, multifamily residential zoning district. Zoning Basics: Zoning laws determine land use in various categories like residential, agricultural, commercial, and industrial. The following sections of the RMC are frequently used by the Planning Division, or are otherwise integral to the review and approval of development proposals: R3 Uses Unlimited (8) same as R3 for corner lots, lots adjacent to A or R zone, or residential uses 15 ft. A Group R-3. Table of Contents; Part I - General Provisions. 030 Development Standards B. The Sign Ordinance is codified as Title 17 of the Roseville Municipal Code. B (part), 2000). All To explore the ordinance in detail, visit the official link here: Redondo Beach Planning and Zoning Ordinance How do I find the zoning district designation for a property? You can look up the zoning district designation for a property by using the City's Interactive Zoning Map. You can search for information with the following types of information. 240. 1 occupancy shall meet the requirements for construction as defined for Group R-3, except as otherwise provided Zoning also describes the review and approval process for your proposed use. The Municipal Code is a compilation of the applicable ordinances (rules, regulations or standards) of a municipality Lakewood's General Plan and Municipal Code is instrumental in the planning and zoning process. Verifying the accuracy of all information The Ordinance 230446 modified multiple restrictions in the San Francisco Municipal code. 805. 020. View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place. org. Fences. Phone 442-339-2610 zoning 442-339-2600 general. Olive Ave. As of March 1, Lakewoodcity. Parking – 2 spaces within a fully enclosed garage for each unit with interior dimensions of 18 feet wide by 20 feet deep each. 20. , 3rd Floor . ) For any lot designated as Public, Quasi-Public, Public/Quasi-Public Use, Other Public, or Open Space on the land R zoning in California refers to residential zoning regulations that determine the permitted land uses and restrictions for residential areas. ) For any lot designated as Public, Quasi-Public, Public/Quasi-Public Use, Other Public, or Open Space on the land use map of the applicable community or district plan; any lot shown on the map as having existing lakes, waterways, reservoirs, debris basins, or similar facilities; any lot shown on the map as Appendix K Group R-3 and Group R-3. 1 Occupancies Protected by the Facilities of the Central Valley Flood Protection Plan CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE — MATRIX ADOPTION TABLE CHAPTER 3 — USE AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION (Matrix Adoption Tables are non-regulatory, intended only as an aid to the user. 100. Receive an e-mail update w hen n ew information about the Zoning Code is available. Find other city and county zoning info here at ZoningPoint. Specifically, this Information Bulletin describes the differences between occupancy Groups R-2 and R-3, the two permit types – Building Permit and Combination Building Permit, along with the building code, submittal, and inspection The Zoning Code is enacted based on the authority vested in the City of Tehachapi by the State of California, including but not limited to: the California Constitution; the Planning and Zoning Law; and the California Environmental Quality Act. Merced County 2222 M Street Merced, CA 95340 Phone: (209) 385-7434 Other zoning designations include R2 (two residential units on a lot, plus other uses) and R3 (which can include boarding houses and childcare facilities). 080 Setbacks. 1/3rd of required Check the posted Zoning Administrator Hearing schedule Subscribe to City project updates, newsletters and meeting notifications. Chapter 17. ZONING . No. Resources. 28. In all other zoning districts, short-term rental and single-family transient rental shall be prohibited. Architectural Features. For eligible lots between 281m 2 and 4,050m 2, located within 400m of a frequent bus stop, a maximum of 6 small-scale multi-family housing units is permitted (as specified in each new zone), subject to certain exemptions. Townhomes; 2. Updated March 2024 . as of 2024-01-24 10:53:37 PST and /or other sources. California State Website. R1: One family dwelling RW1: One-family residential zone RW2: Two-family residential waterway zone R3: Multiple dwelling/apartments/condos same uses as R2 R4 : Multiple dwelling / same as R3 uses / can have schools, BASIC ZONING REQUIREMENTS CD 217 PAGE 2 OF 4 REV. – 5 p. The Zoning Ordinance also describes various permits available through the Planning Division, when they are needed, and the process for obtaining permits. Use : Maximum Height . Zone R1 General Residential. RESIDENTIAL. 16 - R-3 MULTIPLE-FAMILY GENERALIZED SUMMARY OF ZONING REGULATIONS . 070]. 108 (9/22) Find the zoning of any property in Fillmore, California with this latest zoning map and zoning code. California Code of Regulations » Code of Ordinances: Title 17. Garden Grove, CA 92840 Phone (714) 741 - 5000 Services Directory. 7/1/00, Oper. 48. Article 1ː Title, Components & Purpose; In California, you can find zoning codes for virtually every city in the city’s municipal code. Skip main navigation. General Plan Land Use Classification Implemented by Zoning District: Residential Districts: RS-1 – RS-6: Single-Family Residential: Low-Density Residential: RM-12: In 1970, the California State Legislature adopted the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to establish a procedure for evaluating the environmental effects of proposed The Land Use Element and Zoning Code/Map were updated to ensure consistency with the goals, policies, and programs in the Housing Element update in order to accommodate the increase in residential densities and the City’s 6th Cycle RHNA allocation of 19,168 units. Determine the zoning district for your property. aspx. Zoning Map of the City of Tustin November 2018 Note: This map is not an official Tustin Zoning Map. Zoning Map; Berry Gardens Specific Plan (PDF) Bicycle and Trails Master Plan; Climate Action Plan (PDF) Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Phone: 805-473-5400 Fax: 805-473-0386 Facebook Twitter Instagram; Quick Links. Corona Municipal Code (Title 17) CA 92882 Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Multifamily buildings; 3. The City identified several frequent bus stops in consultation with TransLink that provide 15-minute bus service. 110 (7/23) Update No. 020 Land Use Regulations and Allowable Uses 17. Lakewood has adopted the Los Angeles County Building, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical, Residential B. The R3 zoning district provides a medium high density residential environment for condominiums and apartments. Ridgecrest Chamber of Commerce. Land Use & Zoning GIS Map Viewer; Planning Projects Map Viewer; Coastal Permit & Appeal Jurisdiction Map; Downtown District Zoning Map; Codes/Regulations. R-BI (Two-Unit Residential, Balboa Island). The boundaries, designations, and locations of the zones established by this Zoning Code shall be shown upon the map(s) entitled "Zoning Map for Merced County" and referred to in this Zoning Code as the Zoning Map. TTM 38116 would subdivide the 34. These regulations commonly specify maximum building heights, which may vary depending on the location and context of the area. ) amended (This content was newly added in this version of the code. As an attorney practicing in the United States, it is crucial to stay up-to-date on all areas of law that may impact our clients. R The minimum street frontage width for any new lot created in the R-3 district shall be 70 feet. Annual Financial Reports. One of the significant changes is the minimum lot size in San Francisco from 2,400 sqft to 1,200 sqft for all zoning districts. 111 (12/24) Update No. Oceanside City Code; Zoning Ordinance; LCP Coastal Permit Handbook; Policy Documents. 10 C. 04. This designation typically enables the construction of multi-family dwellings, including townhouses, duplexes, and small apartment complexes. 456 W. Email planning@carlsbadca. LA was a pioneer in zoning for uses, adopting the nation’s first citywide zoning code (separating residential uses from other activities) in 1908. 1 Objectives of zone Interactive Zoning Map. Zoning regulations are rules designed to help guide the growth of a city in an organized way. Kern County Website. 22. org is now Lakewoodca. It plays a crucial role in regulating the type and density of housing developments. The Downtown, Inland, and Coastal Zoning Ordinances have been consolidated into one ordinance. 5 Limited Commercial C1 Uses–Retail, Theaters, Hotels,Broadcasting Studios, Parking Buildings, Parks R3 zoning includes regulations regarding building heights to ensure that new constructions are in harmony with the existing neighborhood and do not obstruct views or cast excessive shadows. For persons holding copies of the San Diego County Zoning Ordinance, you can print the revised pages to update your copy of the Zoning Ordinance at these links: Update No. 12. Site Map. Some of the County’s zoning categories are agricultural, residential, commercial, and industrial. ZONE CLASSIFICATIONS AND DISTRICTS: Chapter 17. The zoning standards and requirements of the RC and RA-5 Zones in existence immediately prior to November 13, 1979 shall apply to the use, restoration, rehabilitation, or addition of any buildings existing prior to or under construction on that date. This includes both form-based zoning as well as R zoning in California refers to residential zoning regulations that determine the permitted land uses and restrictions for residential areas. They are based on a general plan that aims to protect and improve the environment, both natural and man-made. Accessibility. Zoning is local law that regulates various aspects of how land can be used. ZONING Title 17. CA 92501 (951) 955 If you have any questions regarding zoning please contact Planning Department at (310) 349-2970 or planning@cityofhawthorne. Development Review also provides staff support to the Planning Commission and to the The Zoning Code is Chapter 10 of the Burbank Municipal Code and consists of land use regulations enacted in order to promote the public health, safety, peace, comfort, convenience, prosperity, and welfare of the City and its inhabitants. The Permit Center is closed daily for lunch from Noon to 1:00 p. Clients may be classified as ambulatory, nonambulatory or bedridden. In addition, learn more about residential, commercial, and manufacturing districts. 109 (4/22) Update No. Understanding R2 Zoning in California: A Comprehensive Guide. 2. Contact the County. Carlsbad, CA 92008. 7100 (805) 781-7230, Parking Services Other Phone Numbers. This zoning district is characterized by a wide variety of lot sizes and is designed to promote the B. 16. 010. gov! State of California and Los Angeles County Building Codes. Find the zoning of any property in Clovis, California with this latest zoning map and zoning code. 5-00 §2 Exh. C. Local Variation: Zoning laws vary by city, affecting permissible property uses and building regulations. . eLaws | eCases | California Laws | California Code of Regulations | Illinois Courts ZONING: Chapter 19. ) new (This content was modified in this version of the code. You may search by Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) or address, or click on the map to find your property. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. R3 zoning is a classification used in real estate development that pertains to residential areas allowing for medium-density living. A. [Ord. Understanding your property’s specific zoning classification is crucial. The City of Ridgecrest Municipal Code Chapter 106 (Zoning) 100 W California Avenue Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Phone: 760-499-5000; Helpful Links. opens in new tab or window . 7000 . For reference purposes only. Working in conjunction with the Zoning Ordinance is the City's Zoning Map. Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 974-6411 info@planning. The City of Encinitas provides this zoning information service for your convenience, and the data provided herein is for general reference only. One lot for detached condominium residences, one reserved open space lot, one water quality basin, two recreation lots, and four open space Understanding R3 Zoning in Real Estate Development. HIGH-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R-3) DISTRICT Chapter 19. Uses Requiring Development Review. 173,268, Eff. , setback map) adopted shall also be a part of this Zoning Code by reference. Phone: 951-674-3124 Fax: 951-674-2392 Email Us. Map My County is a powerful tool that allows you to create reports and view and print parcel specific maps. Quick links have also been provided to those zoning chapters most frequently requested or viewed. (Amended by Ord. Individual Land Uses: Alphabetical List, by Type. 1. It allows for increased housing density, which is crucial in a city with a growing population and housing shortages. Coastal Zone Development Permits. The following minimum standards shall apply to all new construction within Other zoning designations include R2 (two residential units on a lot, plus other uses) and R3 (which can include boarding houses and childcare facilities). Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube Icon-email. CP-7150 (3/8/24) Page 2. . Uses permitted with a conditional use permit. Purpose and application. 18. See Chapter 1 for state agency authority Zillow has 190 homes for sale in Los Angeles CA matching R3 Zoning. 4 %âãÏÓ 4 0 obj > endobj xref 4 109 0000000016 00000 n 0000002796 00000 n 0000002856 00000 n 0000003472 00000 n 0000003517 00000 n 0000007765 00000 n 0000012092 00000 n 0000016550 00000 n 0000016997 00000 n 0000020316 00000 n 0000022860 00000 n 0000027155 00000 n 0000031469 00000 n 0000034212 00000 n This district may overlay the R2-MD, R2-HD, R3, CL, C1, C2, MG, PDR-HD, PDR-MD, or I&R districts, and it is intended to allow development of residential and nonresidential uses as mixed, integrated projects. 92 MB) – Nov 2022 Revision Posted in B. ) meeting. Finding your zoning, as well as other parcel specific information, is easy with the Riverside County Land Information Service (Map My County). PHONE. Zoning Ordinances; Zoning Map; Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents. There are many more designations and Amendments to Orange County Code Chapter 38 - Zoning and Chapter 30 - Planning and Development were adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on December 12, 2023 by (30) days and is permitted only in the R-3 district. Created By Granicus - Connecting People and Government Hey Everyone!R3 Zoning in the city of Los Angeles is mainly use for multi family residential use, we see mid to high density development of this type of zoni C. Budget Archive. *NEW* Interim Z oning C od e G ui d e Over the past two years (2023 and 2024), Governor Newsom signed into law several bills related to zoning and land use resulting in portions of the Sacramento County Zoning Code (SZC) becoming outdated because of new State statutes. Zone R‐1 R‐3 & R‐4 only: For multi‐family & condos of 15+ DUs, min. These regulations can include what type of land uses are allowed on a property, the intensity and density of development, limitations on the height, bulk and placement of structures, as well as other aspects of land use and development activity. Planning. The purpose of this Title is to create a California Zoning Laws – Key Takeaways. gov. One such area that requires a thorough understanding is R2 zoning in California. 2-10 Height – 2-1/2 stories not to exceed 30 feet*, except no portion of a structure within the front 30 feet of a lot is to exceed 22 feet in height. There are also a large amount of lesser-known zoning types. Town of Apple Valley | 14955 Dale Evans Pkwy, Apple Valley, CA 92307 | 760. Arcadia, CA 91066 (626) 574-5400 Zoning Code and Regulations The Riverside Municipal Code (RMC) regulates activities within the City of Riverside. Sign In Based on information from California Regional Multiple Listing Service, Inc. R Document: Kern County Zoning Ordinance – (8. Zone . Design by GRANICUS - Connecting People & Government. The Planning and Zoning division responds to general inquiries about a property's zoning; development regulations such as setbacks, allowable building heights and floor area ratio; allowable uses within a zone; subdivision of property; discretionary permits required with a development project such as coastal permits or special use permit; and Coordinated between the Community Development, Public Works Department, and Community Services Department, this guide is a resource for property owners and residents regarding development regulations for single-family homes in the residential zoning districts (without Home Owners Associations). 050 through 17. m. The following information was created and compiled for internal office use for assessment purposes only. In cases where the underlying zoning's Development Standard is greater than the requirements stated in Table 2-3, Additional Development Standards for Homeowners Association Areas Single Front Yard – Same as required in “R3” Zone – Sec. Towers, spires, cupolas, elevator penthouses or similar architectural The City of Arcadia Zoning Viewer below provides links to City parcels including zoning information and building permit history. wciqelnh xdqo vsbnb denkj sugr mzmn msm hsp mkwzkyk rsvjbf lnuh xcnyp hrplsa ppty lqzba